Thursday, December 11, 2008

Organic Beer?

I am not sure if many of you have heard of Hopworks Urban Brewery but I have gone there twice for lunch now and the salads are very good. The vegetables taste like they are fresh out of a garden. I highly recommend the hummus appetizer, it comes with a little bread and a lot of fresh vegetables, it was delicious. Here is their website Hopworks I wish there were more restaurants that were more health conscious like this one.

Melissa was our instructor at the gym tonight and did a great job. I hope that Nathan and Tina could relax on their vacation knowing that they have great trainers to support them. Maybe they won't wait a whole year to take another day off. :)

Breakfast - oatmeal with protein

Snack - 1 scoop max gourmet protein with 8 oz water

Lunch - 1/4 cup hummus with veggies and a small chicken salad with minimal vinaigrette dressing.
Snack - 1 scoop max gourmet protein with 8 oz water

Dinner - oatmeal with protein

Work out:


7 minutes of kettle bell snatches

Work out (grind)

10 Mr. Spectaculars
20 ring swings
4 times

20 kettle bell swings
250m row
4 times


  1. seant said...
    hi Aaron,
    Hopworks is great! I am addicted to their steak sandwiches. i was pretty much vegetarian until i had them. Hummus is probably healthier but try the sandwich sometime. Keep up the awesome work!!
    Aaron said...
    Thanks Sean. One of the guys I was there with had the Steak Sandwich. It looks really good! That thing is huge!
    seant said...
    your post got me thinking about the place. we ended up going there tonight and i had to have that Sandwich. :)

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