Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Name that work out!

It's time to that work out! I am not sure if Nathan has a name for this yet, but it needs one.

I really liked this work out, it is one of those WOD's that make you feel good to finish. I felt really good today after taking a day off for rest. Between the cert, and travel I was feeling pretty out of it so I didn't work out on Tuesday. I woke up Tuesday morning down in Medford and you know that saying, "Listen to your body" well when I got up, I heard more popping and cracking then I think I have ever heard from my body. So I took the day off and woke up this morning feeling great! Thank God!!!

Work out

Row 1000m
50 pushups
50 2 hand swings / 24k
50 jumping pull ups
50 sit ups
50 med ball cleans / 20 lbs
50 kb high pulls each arm / 35 lbs
50 ball slams / 20 lbs
50 ring rows
250 jump rope

Time was 28:55

6 am - My normal oatmeal
9 am - protein, water
noon - Beat Salad, cheese, walnuts
3 pm - 1/4 cup almond butter, 3 celery sticks
6 pm - 8 oz chicken, 2 cups of cooked veggies
9pm - protein, water


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