Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One arm rope climb

I was taking a look around at some rope climbing vidoes today and I came across this guy doing a one arm rope climb. Check it out.

Work out kicked my ass today. Still a little confused why....I usually like the Tabata drills.


Dead hang pull ups. 5/5/4/4
dips 5/5/5/5
KB snatch 5 each arm - 22k/28k/28k/32k

"tabata" (20 sec. sprint 10 sec. rest.) 6 times at each station

Bear Crawl
Combative rope
S.D.H.P KB 24k/24k/24k/24k/45lb/45lb
jumping pull ups

At home : Rowed 2000 meters for Fat Elvis

6:30 Oatmeal with protein, glutamine, flax oil
9:30 protein with water and glutamine
12:00 Chicken salad
2:30 Fat Elvis (wow that was good)
6:00 8 oz Ahi tuna, 4 asparagus spears, salad
9:30 protein, water, glutamine


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